Giveaway Mesra Idea

>> Tuesday, August 30, 2011

**STICKY POST. For latest post, please scroll down.**

Yay! Ini giveaway pertama untuk blog ini.
Tujuannya untuk minta tolong rakan-rakan blogger hebahkan kewujudan blog Mesra Idea, dan sambil-sambil itu saya nak cuba kumpul wishlist rakan-rakan semua.

Bila? Mulai hari ini hingga tarikh akhirnya 30 Ogos 2011.

Hadiahnya? RM50 'duit raya' menerusi cabutan bertuah.

1. Tulis satu post mengenai giveaway ini.
2. Dalam post itu, tulis wishlist anda, iaitu sekurang-kurangnya satu produk yang tiada di pasaran tapi anda mahu atau harap akan ada. Lebih pun boleh, tapi maksimum tiga. Contoh saya berikan di bawah.
3. Dalam post tu mesti ada banner dan link ke post ini. Boleh copy paste code ini:

4. Letak banner giveaway ini (dengan link ke sini) di sidebar blog anda.
5. Tinggalkan komen dan link di post ini.
6. Selepas tarikh akhir, saya akan guna untuk buat cabutan bertuah. Pemenang yang diumumkan diminta e-mel nombor akaun untuk saya transfer hadian duit raya.

OK, pertama sekali saya nak tudung turki macam yang ada di pasaran Malaysia tahun 90-an dulu supaya ada balik. Kain jenis yang agak tebal tapi taklah panas pun, senang dibentuk, dan mudah dijaga - tak perlu gosok sangat, kalau kesan lipatan jelas sangat baru kena gosok. Siapa masih simpan tudung jenis ini? Zaman sekarang bila disebut tudung turki, lain fabriknya. Lebih nipis dan lembut. Entahlah, saya masih lebih suka yang dulu tu. Tie Rack pernah keluarkan skaf empat segi yang kainnya lebih kurang tudung turki yang saya maksudkan, tapi lepas tu dah dihentikan. Saya cuma sempat beli dua.

Yang kedua pula, saya mahu ada sejenis alat elektronik kecil yang boleh ditempek pada mana-mana barang yang selalu hilang, dan bila dia hilang kta boleh tekan alat lain yang sekaan 'remote' dia atau transmitter, supaya alat tu berbunyi dan supaya kita senang nak cari. Seolah-olah macam kita nak cari handphone, kita ring je, kan senang. Atau pun macam alarm kereta kita yang kita tekan boleh bunyi dari jauh. Saya rasa alat ni boleh sangat dibuat, cuma dari segi harga tak taulah macam mana. Kalau mahal sangat, mungkin jadi tak praktikal pula. Saiz pun mesti betul-betul kecil. Sekarang ni saya dah misplace jam tangan, entah ke mana perginya...

Dua contoh ni memang betul-betul saya punya wishlist, bukan suka-suka nak buat contoh. Anda pula bagaimana? Satu cara untuk generate idea ni ialah dengan menghabiskan ayat ini: Kan best kalau ada .... Jangan pula letak benda yang tak logik, macam nak mesin rentas masa (time travel) ke, atau pintu suka hati Doraemon.

OK, tulis sekarang! Beritahu saya wishlist yang menarik!


A long break

>> Friday, August 26, 2011

Thanks to everyone who has joined my first giveaway! Just to set the expectation, I will be away balik kampung during the raya week so I won't be able to compile the list of participants and make the random draw too soon after the closing date. Hope you don't mind waiting a bit. Anytime in Syawal is still 'duit raya', right? :)

In the meantime, selamat hari raya! Have a good break and I wish you safe journeys.


4 Simple Ways to Raise a Creative Child

>> Monday, August 8, 2011

I've decided to change the blog name (and therefore url) to Mesra Idea because I feel that it allows me to write and post on wider range of topics. I guess I'm still exploring my interests, which is one of the reasons that I started this blog.

Ok, now on to the post. I find this article written by Jamilah Samian, author of 3 parenting books, beneficial. I've known this before, but it's assuring to read that creativity has many forms, and it's not just referring to artistic pursuits such as painting, drawing, acting or dancing. Problem solving requires creativity, too. Below is an excerpt from the article. For full article, click here.

What is creativity anyway? Quite simply, creativity is bringing something new into being. While the debate rages on among psychologists whether creativity is something you are born with or is influenced by the environment, I believe there is much that we parents can do to nurture our children’s creativity. To this end, I would like to suggest that you:


Creativity thrives on curiosity. The more you encourage your child’s curiosity, the more creative he gets. Consider George de Mestral, the inventor of Velcro. In the early 1900s, he was a young boy who loved the outdoors and inventing. In fact, his creative streak won him his first patent for a toy plane at the tender age of 12. Each time after his outing with his dog, George was annoyed by the Burdock seeds (a prickly fauna) that stuck to his hunting pants and dog’s fur as it took him hours to remove them. George examined the seeds under the microscope and noticed that each seed had hundreds of tiny hooks that locked themselves onto the fabric of his pants or his dog’s fur. This gave him the germ of an idea and years after much experimenting, Velcro, the hook & loop fastener, was born.


Because the media has a tendency to refer to certain expressions of artistic pursuits like painting, drawing, acting and dancing as forms of creativity, a child may think that he is not creative because he has no interest in any of these areas. This notion may be further reinforced at learning centres when the children who are able to paint or draw better are referred to as “creative”, which may unwittingly suggest that the other children who are not able to paint or draw as well are not creative. Tell your child that these only represent certain forms of creativity, and creativity encompasses a much wider meaning and possibility. In fact, it is the ability to creatively solve problems and overcome difficult situations that will help your child to not only survive but thrive in the long run.


Creativity often involves the ability to think out of the ordinary. It is the courage of those who dared to think in contrasting ways that has continually made a lasting impact to human lives. Children by nature are born creative. However, to remain creative, they need constant motivation. This is because, creativity involves two processes : thinking and producing. All you have to do is to provide a safe environment for this to happen. For example, if you see your child stacking up a set of wooden blocks horizontally again and again, ask him, ”Is there a way to arrange them another way?”


Your child might need your help to provide the resources to turn his ideas into reality. For this to occur, you might have to set aside your time and money. Think of the time and money that you spend as an investment rather than cost. Even if things don’t work out as expected, assure your child that it’s okay … he would have learnt something new along the way.


Intelectual Property Creators' Challenge

>> Monday, August 1, 2011

I came across this competition organized by MSC Malaysia. Looks pretty interesting - my gamer and anime-loving brothers might be interested, but the deadline is just 5 days away! Check it out. I think it's great that competitions like this are being held. The other comopetition currently running that I laud is The Star's Mighty Minds Challenge.


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